
01 Unfortunately, it’s just a prop–but it’s actually pretty cool as far as nonfunctional collectibles go.

Sold direct , it’s pretty clear from the price alone that the 3 Body Problem

headset is just a high quality model, although it’s actually a little bit more than just a piece of plastic you can wear on your head.from Netflix for $110The model’s polycarbonate is finished in silver chrome, letting you actually wear it and see the world around you, similar to how you might through a pair of high-polish sunglasses.Unlike the cool chromed-out metal models used in the show, the prop has padding on the ear and rigid ‘one size fits most’ headset strap, and even includes a facial interface like a real VR headset to make it more comfortable as you wear it around.Check out famed video game director Hideo Kojima trying on his own:

Just received the VR headset that appeared in “3 Body Problem” from Netflix. Thanks


Kojima’s version seems to be slightly different from the one sold both through the store and given away

Death Strandingas a promotional freebie at this year’s SXSW director and chief of Kojima Productions starts throwing resources at developing his own VR project.

– – — – –At the time of this writing, the 3 Body Problem

headset is currently out of stock, however you can insert your email and sign up for updates in case the company decides to do another production run.

As it is, says it’s a ‘FINAL SALE’, although it’s a good bet the non-functional headset will pop back up due to just how quick stock was snapped up when the page went live just a few hours ago.

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