Caveman Studios, the team behind the tactical VR shooter Contractors (2018), announced its upcoming competitive battle royale Contractors Showdown is headed to Quest on April 25th.
Update (April 5th, 2024): Caveman Studios announced it’s opened up pre-orders for the game on Quest, which is launching on that platform on April 25th, priced at a 10% discount off its regular $20 price tag.
Pre-orders on Quest are also said to come with cosmetic rewards, including three different character skins, a weapon skin, and a weapon charm.
There’s no word on when other VR platforms are headed for release. It was previously announced that the studio would be releasing on “all major VR platforms” by 2024. However, its website only mentions Quest and SteamVR, without any further mention of PSVR 2 headsets. For now, PC VR players can wishlist on Steam.
In addition to a new trailer (seen below), the original article announcing Contractors Showdown follows below:
Original Article (June 16th, 2023): As first shared during UploadVR’s Summer Showcase, the game is set to launch on all major VR platforms in 2024, which is also slated to include crossplay.
Here’s how Caveman Studios describes the action:
Explore the uninhabited, rugged land that has remained ungoverned for decades. You can use tactics to fight against the relentless dangers and enemies on this desolate, uninhabited island. The game map spans a four-kilometer square area. You can fight alone or with friends to overcome all odds. Contractors Showdown
promises weapon customizations, gear upgrades and damage indicators. It’s not certain how many players will be able to jump in, however the studio calls it “a large number of teams of contractors.”Long-requested features, such as progression, matchmaking, and daily quests, will also be included, the studio says. Unlike the original tactical shooter, Contractors Showdown
won’t be supporting mods at release, however the studio says they will prioritize crossplay.In the meantime, the studio says it will continuously update the original Contractors
to version 1.0 as promised.