Apple VR: Will it Change the Game?

Opinions expressed in Entrepreneur are the contributors’ own. The potential of virtual reality and augmented realities (

) has been discussed for years, but this year it may become more relevant. Tech journalists declared 2016 a “VR and AR moment when VR went from virtual to real” after the release of Sony’s PSVR and Oculus Rift, which had been long anticipated by consumers. Businesses clamored around the tech’s potential, with industry leaders describing different ways less than one in five.

Google trends show VR and Virtual Reality searches peaked in 2016 — only to start declining from 2017 onwards, marked by the occasional spike prompted by new industry announcements. However, with the year around the corner once again, 2023 may be the year VR re-enters mainstream consciousness as VR could revolutionize their marketing brings its pioneering marketing and pricing strategies, acclaimed hardware design and sleek UX (

) into the virtual world.WWDCRelated: Apple1. The power of pricinguser experienceApple’s impact on the

is universally known. I remember fondly 2007 when the iPhone 1 was released. It cost $499 but was offset by network deals which subsidized payment in exchange of a 2-year agreement. Apple’s genius was to create a new standard for selling expensive consumer products in exchange of forced loyalty. Some $499 for a phone, even inflation-adjusted to $720 today, no longer seems unreasonable.Why Now Is The Time To Start Your Virtual Reality Business

In 2023,

may try to replicate this model’s success by subsidizing the $3k price of a VR device, offering a 12-to-24-month repayment period. Even with a pricing plan that has historically locked in iPhone users and consumers smartphone market, a $3k consumer expenditure might not be the best time, given the current cost of living crisis, especially in the US and UK. Comfort and content

It’s likely that Apple’s device is going to be a success based on how long users can use it comfortably. Apple cannot release a device that has such a high fatigue potential. Weight, the way it moves, the way it reacts to sweat and the way it feels against the skin are all factors to consider. And that’s even before we get to the motion sickness experienced by some VR users — about two thirds, according to an Apple survey of 4,500 German VR enthusiasts. Given all that, tackling this long-standing industry hurdle of making VR headsets more comfortable to use should be a priority.consistently increasingAnother important factor is that content is still king with a medium like VR. Even if

was elegant and refined, it would fail. So even if we have a headset that is technically amazing, what will we do with it. It is important to keep in mind that the fast-paced and frenetic movements will make you feel nauseated. A different approach is needed. Also,

reputation has faced some criticism as of late, largely due to what the app store offers.2021 studySure, Apple Arcade — a paid service — has been praised for curating lists of quality

gaming experiences, but for the rest of the app store, shallow free-to-play games designed to squeeze money from players, and games with more ads than actual play, are all to be quickly experienced and then forgotten.hardwareWhile

VR’s cornerstone strategy seems to require a significant overhaul, streaming and other content could provide a secondary audience. VR is useful in education, manufacturing and shopping, but it’s still a niche. Currently, it’s not clear what use cases Apple will focus on given its core competencies, other than perhaps streaming Apple TV into a VR headset.Apple’s gamingRelated:

3. Leisure time and closet spacemobileAnother battle Apple faces globally is the lack of free time that many people experience today. Apple’s VR will have to compete with a heavily saturated market for the four hours of free time that a typical employee has each day. User experience will be essential for the device to be used repeatedly, even in short sessions, without it suffering the same fate as a tennis racket, which is often used three times before always resting in the back of the closet.

Speaking of closets, another issue is space. The VR headset needs to be kept somewhere when it is not being used. The device’s size is not known, but we can use the human head to get an idea. As a fan of Apple’s games, I’m already concerned. As a fan of

, I’m already concerned.3 Aspects of the Real Estate Industry That Can Benefit Immensely from the Metaverse

So, as Apple prepares for WWDC in June, throwing its

into the ring, we’ll almost certainly see a spike in VR-focused discussion and debate. If content, comfort and technological advancements are not perfectly aligned with strategy, then this launch, and mainstream interest in VR, may be just another temporary spike.
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