At launch in November, it was only compatible with HTC standalones Vive XR Elite or Vive Focus 3. As promised, now the company is launching beta access to OpenXR/SteamVR based PC VR headsets, like Valve Index or Quest 2/3/Pro with Link. Vive Ultimate TrackerThe plug-and-play solution lets you link up to five trackers per headset for multi-point full-body tracking across a variety of supported apps, such as
Soccer Skill Shot, and Dash Dance. The company says that users should place their trackers “at least 1.5 meters away from any environmental obstacles” during setup. The company also recommends that users place their trackers at least 1.5 meters from any environmental obstructions during setup. You’ll also find a code to access the beta branch of the Vive Streaming Hub. For more information about Vive Ultimate Tracker or to purchase the $200 device, visit ..