Mecha Force, a VR mech game inspired by Shin Getter Robo and Gurren Lagann, is now available in early access on Quest.
Developed by Ming Studio, Mecha Force combines mech action and roguelike mechanics, you’re thrown into a chaotic future as you fight towering foes, using customizable mechs with different weapon combinations. The early access version allows you to play Chapter 2, which MyDearest claims will provide “10 hours of gameplay”. ‘Challenge Stages,’ is also included. We were impressed with the
during the Tokyo Game Show in 2024. It was “more than just a virtual imitation of old-school mecha anime”. This is a competent and accomplished VR mecha action title that should stand up among the best upon its release.
Mecha Force is available now in early access on the Mecha Force preview platform, and a free
is available. The release date of
is not confirmed at this time.