77077 Arcade – Niko’s Solar System & Oxymore

As we continue our journey through some of the most amazing worlds VRChat offers, this week we’ll immerse ourselves in three more community recommended worlds starting with the nostalgia-filled 77077 Arcade & Bar, then entering the expansive and educational world of Niko’s Solar System, and finally dropping in on the groundbreaking musical experience of Oxymore from Jean-Michel Jarre.

As always, we invite you to share your VRChat discoveries with us at [email protected].

77077 Arcade & Bar

Let’s start out this week by stepping back in time to visit a city block circa 1994. In 77077 Arcade & Bar, we discover a world steeped with nostalgia for a bygone era when renting movies and games at Blockbuster Video stores was a fun experience. This world is designed with great attention to detail and features a replica of the Blockbuster Video Store and arcade, which serves as an interactive museum for video game history. It includes several consoles and cabinets to learn about. This world is a must-visit for anyone who wants to experience the 90s in its full glory. This world was originally created for AltspaceVR which has since closed down. It now lives in VRChat. Niko’s Solar System not only offers a stunning visual experience but is also an excellent educational tool. It features accurate sizes of the moons, planets, and stars, as well as some amazing animations. This highly-detailed recreation allows you to walk into planets and explore their cores, while simultaneously watching animated cosmic events. The official virtual world Oxymore is our final stop for this week. It will take you on a visual and auditory journey unlike any other. Jean-Michel Jarre’s 2021 New Years Eve Concert from Notre-Dame was a virtual and live performance. This world is based on his musical style. Oxymore is a world where a live concert takes place every hour. It will take visitors on an amazing journey, through the post-industrial landscape of a city while they listen to the music created by Jarre. This groundbreaking experience, unlike other worlds that we’ve featured, is Quest-compatible and offers a journey of 50 minutes through Oxyville. The city was inspired by electronic music, and it has been designed to engage both visual and audio senses. Nominated for Raindance Immersive’s Best Immersive Experience and Best Immersive Performance, Oxymore stands as a tribute to the blending of music, art and virtual reality and is for sure a world in VRChat that you must see for yourself to truly appreciate.

That’s it for this week, but keep those headsets charged and at the ready because next week we’ve got three more awesome and inspiring community recommended worlds coming your way. Join us next week as we immerse ourselves in the

music, enjoy the peaceful

and dive into the

aquatic biomes.

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