Reviews: Spin Rhythm XD – Creativity meets Versatility

Read on for our full review. To my surprise, Spin Rhythm XD was a great rhythm game after I got a tattoo. The VR build was available to me an hour prior to leaving the salon. The recovery time was unknown to me as a newbie. My entire arm was swollen when I plugged in my headset to Spin Rhythm XD and started the program. I worried that I would not be able to get through the tutorial until a couple of days. My hesitation quickly dissipated.

Spin Rhythm XD – The Facts

What is it? :

A rhythm game based around a digital spin-wheel that’s now available in VR.

Platforms: ,
(review conducted on PC using a Quest 3) PSVR 2Release Date: PC VRJuly 9
Developer: Super Spin Digital
Price: $19.99
Spin Rhythm XD’s control scheme revolves around a digital spin wheel with two-colored buttons across it. It’s a matter of rotating the wheel to make it match up with incoming notes. Some mechanics will be added depending on the difficulty level you choose. You may be required to tap on a note highlighted, hold a pattern or spin the wheel quickly from one side to another. The intuitive controls and lots of practice have allowed me to perform all actions with just one arm. This was exactly what I wanted. When Super Spin Digital launched the game in Steam Early Access back in 2019 and promoted it on social media, the marketing was centered around the physical MIDI turntables that could be used to control the spinning wheel. Spin Rhythm XD is also compatible with keyboards, mice and standard controllers. However, I never wanted to use them because they were less stylish. I’ve played too many Guitar Hero games with a PS2 gamepad to know that the plastic guitar makes for a day-and-night difference, even if you can still enjoy the core experience.The PC VR version also supports the aforementioned control options, but I stayed true to the VR experience by using the Quest 3’s Touch Plus controllers. It was a bit difficult at first and it wasn’t just my right hand. You have to use a cursor floating in the air, similar to aiming in a shooting game, to control the wheel. The cursor automatically locks onto the wheel as you approach, so you can simulate moving your hand like you would on a steering-wheel. If you’re anticipating a quick-paced event, keep your cursor in place, and then move the hand. Or, most often, release the wheel and let the cursor quickly slide down the other side, say to the opposite color, in order to capture the notes. Spin Rhythm XD VR’s current control scheme is a new iteration. The virtual wheel is controlled by a joystick or mouse, which gives the game a more whimsical feel. The game may not have the same precision as a MIDI-based turntable but the thrill of it is still there. It’s a simple matter of repetition, just like any rhythm game. The first songs I played were in Normal (out of five levels: Easy, Normal, hard, expert, and XD) until my base movements became more fluid. The transition from Easy to Hard was not too difficult, but it did depend on how hard the song is and the BPM. But a new mechanic involved required me to use the second controller, and thus, my freshly tattooed arm.

Coincidentally, that mechanic is what sold Spin Rhythm XD as a whole to me. This works like the kick pedal when you play drums on Rock Band. It acts as an independent tone that matches the rhythm. You can do the same thing with VR controls by tilting the controller downwards while aiming outwards. This was the only way I could do it without making any abrupt movements. My right arm rested on the chair, and I positioned my hand to be always outside of the wheel but inside the beat area. I moved my left arm to do all the other movements. Spin Rhythm XD allows you to play in either seated or standing mode. You only need to move your head and use your hands. There’s support for either standing or seated modes, as there’s no physical movement involved aside from moving your head to look around and using your hands to play.

The song selector of Spin Rhythm XD, highlighting Lovesick by Moe Shop, which has an anime-style cover.

Specific VR settings include enabling the spectator camera, always moving the wheel, different modes for the right and left pointers (when you aim), sensitivity (both angular and linear), aim assist level, pointer angle, track forward/back as well as track up/down, and mappings.

There are sixty tracks available, starting with a shorter selection, and you slowly unlock the rest while playing. You can expand your collection of songs by earning keys each time you reach a new level. This is achieved through progressing in the song or finishing it. There isn’t a lot else. The majority of songs on the list are techno or EDM. The music is a great fit with the game, but there aren’t any mainstream electronic artists. The curation is a good way to find new music. You can unlock songs and artists based on the vibe they give off, but if you don’t know them, you will have to do it to complete your collection or to add new music. A few DLCs are available, with the latest launching alongside the VR and PlayStation versions, but don’t expect a

level of variety.

There isn’t a campaign or multiplayer, although you can play locally with others, a feature that seems amiss in the VR version. Only leaderboards are connected online, and they’re a great addition to rhythm games. Spin Rhythm XD is a rhythm game where you can set your own challenge and pace. You may choose to chase full combos, or gradually work your way up to the higher difficulty levels. It offers a nice change in pace by rewarding you with new and interesting mechanics. Expect little else in the way of objectives, other than unlocking new skins for your wheel, virtual avatar and board. The game has a strong community element, as it includes a level designer. There are hundreds of levels created by the community, similar to Beat Saber. These add a lot more content and depth to the game. Spin Rhythm XD – Final Verdict

An example of the board with spins and consecutive notes.

Spin Rhythm XD has a unique, yet simple, novelty that allows you to customize the game according to your preferences and needs. The game was engaging and challenging enough to keep me playing for several hours in an atypical scenario. The versatility of the control schemes, accessibility options inside and outside VR, and a plethora of subtle changes at your disposal to personalize the look and feel of everything is a remarkable feat.

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