Palmer Luckey confirms his new headset is for military use

We’ve been aware for several weeks now that AWE 2024 will feature

. Palmer Luckey announced the headset during a Bigscreen Beyond panel. He said that it is “driven by military needs, but will also be used for other stuff.” planned to reveal a new headsetFor the unaware, Luckey went on to co-found defense company Anduril Industries after he

by Facebook (now Meta), having sold Oculus to it for over $2 billion in 2014. It's reasonable to assume that this headset will be designed specifically for Anduril customers, as a consumer version seems unlikely. During this panel, no hardware specs, images or details regarding the XR eco-system were disclosed. There was also no indication of Luckey collaborating with Shankar. Luckey confirmed he's announcing it early because keeping it secret decreases potential opportunities to find suppliers and collaborators.

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