Blade & Sorcery to be released on Steam in full soon, Quest later this year


is nearing its full release, as we learned last October. Originally aiming for Q1 2020, the developer has announced that Version 1.0 will arrive on PC VR June 17, 2019. This will be reflected in a $20 price hike to $30 on June 17th. You have a full week to purchase it before this increase. Here’s the full release trailer. & SorceryWith the Quest version, announced will also receive update 1.0 and the same price increase. However, Nomad’s full release date is currently unknown.

"Once PCVR is released and stable, the team can switch to the Nomad update porting process, which will for sure take months as it is a mountain of work. However, take solace in the knowledge that it is our goal to attempt a full port of the PCVR update to Nomad,"

Warpfrog.Blade & Sorcery: NomadRevealed last year,

adds ‘Crystal Hunt,’ a new game mode with progression and lore. In the Eraden mountains, the entrances of the lost Dalgarian Ruins have appeared. Each outpost has its own faction that is interested in the ruins and will present different challenges. The loot scales based on the difficulty of the game, and you can buy weapons, armor, or unlock skills with ‘Crystal Shards.’

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