VR MOBA ‘Mecha Party’ is now available in Europe and Asia on PSVR 2 and Steam.
Developed by Chenni Network and published by Kingnet Technology, Mecha Party previously launched in North America back in March. Set in a world where robotics and AI have become ever-present in daily life, you’ll compete to become the league’s strongest mecha pilot in a robot battle league – The Mecha Party, in PvP combat across online battles.
Letting you fight solo or in a 3v3 team, Mecha Party includes a wide roster of playable mechs. Two new mechs were introduced as part of the regional launch. Dino, a small dino with “crazy appetite”, is designed to fight at close range, and Tuan, a panda that throws props, is meant for large group battles. New skins and balancing changes have also been implemented.
Mecha Party is available now on Steam and PSVR 2. Quest 3 is currently in development with a target release date of summer 2024.