Mannequin adds deathmatch mode to the Hide-and-Seek VR FPS

Mannequin, the hide-and-seek VR multiplayer game, added a Deathmatch Mode in its latest update.

Following its full release in September, Mannequin by Fast Travel Games just received its second major update. The Deathmatch Mode is the main feature of this update. It’s a free for all mode that allows players to respawn rather than having only one life. The Deathmatch Mode allows you to attack players of the same class and pit agents against each other. The ‘Possess” ability allows Mannequins to reposition frozen first responders. Finally, new custom game options like movement speed modifiers and auto-reloading for Agents are also available.

It’s the second major Mannequin update we’ve seen post-launch, following the

in late September. That introduced a new level, a new ‘King of the Crown’ mode where you fight to seize the crown in the lobby area, a new Agent shield you can use once per round, and finger gestures for mannequins.Excavation UpdateMannequin is out now on

and Quest.Steam

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