Novo Amor Maranga & Frame of Reference

As we continue to explore the VRChat landscape, we are back with another amazing set of worlds recommended by our community. We’re exploring Frame of Reference, Frame of Novo Amor and Maranga this week. As always, you are invited to send us your VRChat discoveries at [email protected]. Let’s begin this week with a trip to the welcoming and serene world of Novo Amor. This world is inspired by the artist Novo Amor and dedicated to him. It offers relaxing stays at a tranquil, modern woodland lodge, where creativity can be encouraged. Imagine being surrounded by cozy, modern architecture in the middle of a dense forest. This world’s blend of artistic design and natural beauty creates a relaxing atmosphere, inviting visitors to explore and relax. Novo Amor offers a variety of places for relaxation and other activities. Whether you are relaxing by the fire, exploring the interiors with their intricate designs, or enjoying the natural beauty from the deck, the world provides a tranquil yet exciting VRChat experience. Maranga

We’ll then venture to the exotic tropical pleasure garden called Maranga. The expansive Maranga world offers a variety of exciting activities, all set in a beautifully detailed environment. Take a walk through colorful gardens with your friends, play a life-sized game of chess or scale surreal structures to challenge the perception of reality. If you want to cool off, Maranga’s oceans are a great place for that. Raindance Immersive has nominated this world for a variety of awards, a testament to its artistic quality and creative flair. Frame of Reference

This week, we’re checking out the sometimes thrilling world of Frame of Reference. Frame of Reference captivates you with models, animations and VFX. It creates an immersive experience. The eerie atmosphere and intricate design of Haunted kingdom will draw you in to a world filled with suspense, excitement and hauntingly similar scenes. This week’s VRChat exploration concludes, but don’t forget to check back next week as we continue our journey. The next time, we will take you back in time to when arcades and movie rentals were all the rage in

; learn more about our celestial neighbourhood in

; and explore the odd and trippy virtual world

by Jean-Michel Jarre, where new concerts start every hour.

Be sure to check out the other articles in this series:

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