Battle Eternity brings a new VR action RPG to Quest 2.

Darksword Battle Eternity was developed by the South Korean developer Com2uS ROCA and launched in 2010. It features a story-mode that tells the tale of Blackwold. A fallen general who is trying to save the Twisted Corridors world from Darksword’s curse. You must use hack-and-slash to exploit the weaknesses of your enemies and collect materials in order to craft more powerful weapons. While other platforms support multiplayer co-op, that appears to be absent from the

. 2 version“Players can grab and hurl objects, freely use swords, shields, and bows with realistic articulation, and engage in various actions similar to real-life battles,” said Com2uS ROCA in a press release, detailing the game’s wider features. The game’s description says: “Pursue the highest global rankings, collect Achievements and prove your worth in a multiplayer challenge where you face extreme odds.

Darksword: Battle Eternity is available now on the


, Meta Quest, and PC VR.PicoThis article was originally published on June 26, 2023. The article was last updated in August 2024 when PSVR 2 was released.

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