Mannequin to Bring Stealthy Multiplayer VR To Quest Soon

Mannequin, the asymmetrical VR multiplayer game inspired by Prop Hunt, launches today on Steam.

Supporting five players in online 2v3 matches, Mannequin sees two Agents hunting down shape-shifting aliens. You can blend into your environment by freezing and striking poses as the aliens. Following last month’s launch on App Lab, it’s now arriving on Steam, and the Quest version also received a new patch enabling cross-platform multiplayer and new UI changes.

Today’s update also adds an in-game reporting tool and progression badges, the latter of which are tied to each player’s level. Fast Travel Games states that badges will increase every 20 levels and new badges in each rank are added every 5th level. When a player hits level 100, they’ll be granted a higher prestige and reset their rank,” states Fast Travel Games.

We enjoyed Mannequin in our early access preview last month, believing it could become a new VR multiplayer hit.

Mannequin is a strong example of a simple idea well executed. Fast Travel Games has already delivered a very entertaining version of Prop Hunt in VR. I’ve left this preview feeling very optimistic about what’s coming next.

Mannequin is available now on Quest App Lab and Steam Early Access.

Mannequin Hands-On: VR Prop Hunt Strikes A Convincing Pose

Asymmetrical multiplayer game ‘Mannequin’ secures a PC VR release date. Here’s what we previously thought about it on Quest.

Notice: This article was initially published on April 22, 2024. The SteamVR version was launched on June 20, and the article was updated.

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