
Unity The A stable release is planned for later this year.

This week Unity announced that the 2.x release of the visionOS package will require Unity 6 and add support for key


* visionOS 2Rendering Metal with passthrough

to build content with passthrough while leveraging Unity graphics features that are compatible with Metal 5 out of the box.* Resizable volumes
that help you achieve greater control over the scale within bounded volumes.* Dynamic lights and shadows
for greater immersion and realism in Mixed Reality experiences.* Custom hover effects
for greater visual control of hover interactions when a user is gazing at objects.* Improved support for shaders
that enable a greater range of visual effects including the glass material appearance on SwiftUI interfaces.That “Rendering Metal with passthrough” feature means developers will no longer be limited to using PolySpatial, which , for AR apps.

Additionally, the 2.x versions of the package will bring the following improvements for both versions of visionOS:has notable restrictions*

Unity Launches Beta Support For Apple Vision Pro

Unity just launched closed beta support for Apple Vision Pro. But there are notable restrictions to how visionOS handles third party engines:

Support for blendshapes

to enable a wider range of geometric applications, including deformations and smooth, natural-looking animations.* Stereo render targets
to help users achieve a wide range of effects including stereo windows and holographic 3D projections.* Hybrid apps
that enable mode switching across Mixed Reality and fully immersive experiences.* Support for multiple volumes
that enable a wider breadth of interactive content.* Support for entities graphics
to enable more diverse visual experiences.* Shader debugging
to help you create and customize shaders more efficiently.The 2.x versions of the Unity visionOS package will be marked as pre-release at first. Unity says there will be “ongoing work focused on performance improvements and overall stabilization”, and tells developers not to use it yet for production projects.That shouldn’t be an issue though, since visionOS 2 itself is currently only released

, with a stable release coming this fall.

The Unity visionOS package will continue to require Unity Pro, which costs $2040 per year. Unity

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