You Need More Runway And Time to Execute

In an email sent on

, Graham Gaylor suggested that the recent changes in management have positioned the company for “success over the next five-years.” “We are in a strong cash position but we require a longer runway and sight to profitability to implement our 5-year strategy effectively. We’ll struggle to raise money in the current environment, which is difficult. We’re focusing on capital efficiency in order to make sure VRChat is successful. This will allow us to take charge of our destiny, and not rely solely on outside investments. The email states that “up to six months of health insurance coverage is available for eligible individuals” along with 12 weeks severance pay for “all departing members of the team” plus “an extra two weeks per year beyond three years and three additional weeks after five years.” The email also notes that “we will support departing members of the team with some VRChat-specific perks.” That’s a “lifetime subscription to VRChat Plus” as well as an “alumni badge” in-VRChat and reduced VRChat transaction fees “for any purchases made from your store”.

Gaylor’s email closes:posted to the company’s forumsOur mission remains the same, and it bears repeating: to enrich the world through immersive social connection and bring that magic to billions of people. We are responsible for maintaining and growing the VRChat space, which has brought so many people happiness and friends. Thank you for all of your love, dedication and time you’ve put into helping us build VRChat.

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