Mirage explores Slovenia’s Soca Valley in new DLC

Better Than Life has released a new Kayak VR Mirage update,

that marks the new environment for Kayak VR Mirage, previously announced alongside

from last year. This new update is set in Soca Valley, Slovenia. This includes both a rapids section and a waterfall, as well as more relaxing exploration. The update today also includes Metahumans for body IK. The presentation is stunning, and I’m glad to have rediscovered my love for this kayaking simulation. We previously recommended Better Than Life’s simulation in our Christmas update. Kayak VR: Mirage was a highlight in the PSVR 2’s launch window last year. It thrives on its free-roam mode. It’s not for everyone, and it’s not easy to see everything. But the stunning graphics and realistic physics will make me keep coming back.

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