Silent Slayer Trailer Features Spooky Vampires and Temperamental Traps

During the Ruff Talk VR 2024 Showcase today, Schell Games revealed an extended gameplay trailer for its upcoming VR puzzle Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire, showing off more of the vampire-ganking action that pits you against a host of temperamental traps.

Schell Games, also known for its hit spy puzzle VR series I Expect You to Die, explains a little more about what makes the game tick in the new gameplay trailer, which features developer commentary.

In short, it’s all about precision, tension, and the danger of a slumbering vampire being awakened at any moment. The developers say that the game takes place in a haunted mansion and is divided into two parts: preparation and execution. You’ll then need to use various tools to defeat each vampire. Then, you’ll perform a binding ceremony to remove the final magical barrier of protection that protects the vampire from your stake. While we’re still waiting for a precise release date, you can


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